With over 200+ professionals located across seven cities in India FM provides seamless legal services to clients. In India our offices are located in Noida, New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad & Surat. We have two associate offices in London and Dhaka.
FM traces back its origin to Kolkata when in 1896, J K Fox and G C Mandal, joined in partnership to establish one of the first Indo-British law firm. Thereafter in 1984, the management of the firm opened an office in New Delhi under the name of FoxMandal. The firm has been at the forefront of many significant legal developments in India having acted for, advised and represented domestic and international businesses, government and its agencies as well as multilateral institutions.
The firm’s strength is its team of experienced and trained lawyers who treasure the value of diligence and knowledge as well as creativity and innovation in addressing their client’s needs. FM aims to offer to its clients, legal advice that meets the clients’ needs and expectations.