Vijay Kumar has over 15 Years of experience and his core practice area includes litigation, and domestic and international arbitration. He has advised and represented Indian and international clients in arbitrations conducted under the rules of ICC, LCIA, SIAC and HKIAC before the various arbitral tribunals at jurisdictions including London, Hong Kong, Dubai and Singapore. Along with representing his clients before the Supreme Court of India Vijay has experience of advising and assisting clients in litigation before the English High Court, Commercial Court in London, U.K. He has advised clients in relation to criminal proceedings initiated under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) and Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA). He has also advised and represented domestic & International clients in cases related to Extradition, Anticipatory Bail, Bail matters, Quashing Petitions, Revision Petitions, Tax evasions matters, Criminal SLPs, and matters relating to cheating, forgery & breach of trust before the Supreme Court, various High Courts in India, Economic Offences Wing, Central Bureau of Investigations and Enforcement Directorate