An indicative list of our clients in the Media and Entertainment area are as follows:
Network18Online- provided specialist advice rendered with regard to Software and Infrastructure Assignment Agreement.
STAR TV network- advised on setting up an e-commerce business, dealing with online catalogues.
Gameloft Software Pvt Ltd.- advised on various issues relating to corporate commercial matters.
Regularly provided specialist regulatory advice to Spice entertainment.
DST, USA- advised in relation to its Software Development Agreement.
The firm has advised DDB Mudra Group, a leading provider of advertising and media related services on its joint venture with Thailand and Singapore based companies. Advised on structuring the transaction and handled all legal aspects including drafting and finalization of all transaction agreements.
Greenfield Online Inc. USA- advised in relation to certain matters concerned with employee non-competition and non-solicitation issues. a Taiwan based portal and professional networking site, advised with regard to setting up of online jobsite in India.
Indian Contributors of Clifford Chance’s “Next Law” website.
PVI Virtual Media Services, LLC- advised in relation to cross border technology transfer.
Antimafx Studio Pvt. Ltd- advised in relation to its marketing and business development agreements.
Electronic Arts- advised on investment issue in EA Games India Private Ltd.
Gameshastra Solutions Pvt. Ltd.- provided specialist advice with regard to complex technical issues associated with the development of the PS-2 game platform.
CyberMedia India Ltd.- assisted in incorporating an LLC in US, its subsequent acquisition of an US Company.
Sword Global- assisted in acquisition of certain entities in India.
Red Octane Technologies- advice rendered in relation to the setting up of gaming contracts.
Mentor Graphics Inc., US- advised in relation to corporate matters in India.
Weston Knowledge System- advised in relation to its corporate matters and licenses in India.
Yodlee Inc. US- advised in relation to its Indian subsidiary.
Production Services Agreement for producing a Food Show for a major network channel.
Production Services Agreement for producing a Travel Show.
Production Services Agreement for producing a Road show for product launch.
Production Services Agreement for Web based content for corporate entity product promotion.