Following is an indicative list of our clients and the work done both in field of litigation and arbitration :
Acting for Union Carbide Corporation in relation to matter against them in U.S. Courts.
Acted for Dow Chemicals Company in relation to a claim against them.
Acted for Lucent Technologies in relation to a claim filed against them in U.S. Courts.
Acting for Giro Bank in relation to their proceedings before the Adjudicating Authority as well as the Supreme Court of India.
Acted for copyright infringement matters in High Court and Supreme Court of India.
Acting for passing off of trade marks of Indian/foreign several companies including a German Company, August Krempel Sohne GmbH.
Acting for Deutsche Bank in relation to their several matters.
Acted for Southern Energy Asia Pacific in relation to their 3600 MW Power Project in Orissa.
Advising and representing Star India (Pvt.) Ltd. Regarding their disputes falling within the rubric of the TDSAT, High Court and the Supreme Court.
Handling various Banks and Financial Institutions in Debt Recovery Tribunal like the Indian Renewal Energy Development Agency (IREDA), IFCI, IDBI, IIBI, Bank of Rajasthan, Rural Electrification Corporation, Habib Bank and the Deutsche Bank.
Acted for Chase Manhattan Bank in relation to their recovery proceedings.
Represented Giro Bank in proceedings relating to foreign exchange laws.
Acted for Posco
Acted for Saboli Trading LLC in recovery matters.
Acted for Exide Industries
Representing Hyundai Motor India Ltd in the Consumer forum.
Acted for S.K Networks, a Korean Company in relation to their recovery matters.
Acted for Sobati Trading in relation to their recovery matters.
Representing Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation
Acted for GAIL, ONGC
Represented Indian Tea Association in the Supreme Court of India.
Acted for SEAMEC (South East Asia Marine Engineering & Construction Ltd.)