At FM we realize that Brands are crucial to the success of most modern business.
Therefore, apart from undertaking conflict searches, filing and prosecution of the trade
mark applications, FM also provides a watch service. We not only help our clients
register their marks but also help police them. We promptly advise our clients of any
attempts by third parties to use and/or register similar/same/confusingly similar trade
marks and assist in putting an end to such use or registration.
We send out Cease and Desist letters to anyone found infringing our client’s trade marks
asking the infringers to cease and desist from the use of marks identical or similar to our
client’s marks.
We regularly send updated status reports of all the trade marks held by the clients to
ensure that the clients stay regularly informed of the current status of their trade marks.
We also provide comprehensive anti counterfeiting options to our clients. We obtain
court orders (search & seizure); liaise with the police or official receiver and even
participate in the raids that are conducted, be it civil or criminal.
We conduct due diligence in connection with mergers, asset purchases and the
assignment of trade mark rights.
Additionally, FM regularly advices, negotiates and prepare license, assignment,
franchising and co-existence agreements on behalf of our clients.
FM has broad experience in copyright and content protection. This practice group
assists clients in a wide variety of copyright related transactions. Be it registration,
negotiating terms and conditions of publishing, distribution, royalty, licensing and
assignment agreements, we do it all. In addition, we advice clients on the international
validity of copyright.
This has been an area of concern especially given the increase in Business Process
Outsourcing to India. We regularly advice clients in relation to content developed by
employees during the course of their employment, developing in-house policies for
employees, use of copyrighted works, e-mail and the Internet.
This group has extensive experience in infringement litigation, representing copyright
owners as well as alleged infringers.