An indicative list of our experience in the infrastructure area is as follows:
Advising Lufthansa in relation to various issues/documents including the tenders, concession agreements with the Bangalore International Airport Limited and the GMR Hyderabad International Airport Limited.
Advising Intercontinental Commerce Corp., USA in relation to monorail project in India.
Advised the Ministry of Finance on the modernisation of the Delhi and Mumbai Airports, which included reviewing of the Concession Agreement, lease deed, the shareholders agreement and other related documents.
Advised the Brihanmumbai Electric Supply & Transport (BEST) in association with TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) on the legal and regulatory aspects of the proposed restructuring of (BEST) broadly categorized into the Institutional Development Strategy (IDS) and Management Information System (MIS) study being conducted on behalf of the World Bank.
Advised the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) on the tender documents and various agreements/contracts.
Advising GMR Infrastructure Ltd. on the bidding documentation (Consortium Agreement, Lead Bidder Agreement etc.) for the International Airport Project at Hyderabad.
Advising a Company in relation to Delhi Metro Rail Project.
Advising a Company in relation to Noida Toll Bridge Project.
Advising PDCOR Limited in relation to Jalmahal Tourism Infrastructure Project in Jaipur.
Advising a large South East Asian Conglomerate in relation to Highway Projects in India.
Advising a Finance Company in relation to its Roadway Project in Lucknow.
Advised STA Consortium Pte Ltd in setting up a wholly owned subsidiary in India.